The weekend of cakes...
This all occured last weekend.
Warning Rant coming on.....
I'll start at the beginning. A little over a month ago I signed up for a class at Priceless to make a tombstone shaped Halloween book. When I saw Bonnie making it I knew exactly what I could use it for, Nick's birthday party pictures from last year. So a few weeks ago we found out a friend was going into the army. Well guess what time the birthday/going away party would be! Well, she asked me to make a cake and I obliged. I have kind of become the unofficial cake baker for a group of friends. Usually I just make a 9 inch round cake but she was expecting 30 people so I made an 11x15 cake. So it was interesting trying something new. Nick even helped decorate. He did so since he loves the fact that he has better handwriting than I do. Writing on a cake is a bit different though! Thank you for your help Nick!! Here are some pictures. They aren't perfect, but I am just beginning. They tasted SO good though! :)
So, the party was the same time as my class. I wouldn't bail on a friend so I went to her house bright and early to help decorate and then left later in the afternoon. So, I left the class early to go back to the party. When I arrived things weren't going so well. People were not arriving to the party as expected and she decided to give me heck when I got back. I'll leave it at that and spare the details of the one sided yelling fest. If you know me well, you know that I would never say those words nor would I speak to a good friend in that manner. Hopefully, things will be better when I see her next time. All I can do is pray for her while she is going through this difficult time.
Sunday, I was busy making another cake. This one was for the birthday club at work. A couple of weeks ago I sent an e-mail to everyone which in a nutshell said if you are interested in celebrating birthdays (we stopped probably 5 months ago) let me know since I enjoy baking and decorating cakes. I offered to do for a dollar a person except of course for their birthday month. I arrive to work Monday with a note outside my office door from the person who used to make cakes. It was ridiculous. It said, "Before you read your e-mail. Don't get mad at me. Just think about it. Here $1" I wondered what on earth was this about. Then I read my e-mail from her which went on about how she thought a dollar was too much. Um, you can't buy a peice of cake in the grocery store for a dollar! I found out from a coworker that while I wasn't in the office on Friday that she decided to talk about me behind my back. After work one day last week a couple of girls asked me how I was doing which was nice. They work with her on a daily basis and are used to her. Basically, it boils down to money. Doesn't everything? She never asked when she did it so she never got anything, but we did put a donation together. However, I usually make them from scratch. Oh well, you certainly can't make everyone happy!!
-Yes, I forgot to cross my T! Of course I noticed this AFTER I cleaned up!
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